It’s About Love

We love this community. The people, the pets, the culture. To us, it’s home. And we love supporting our community through events and initiatives. Learn more about our current initiatives below!

christmaspicChristmas Giving

Each year, we adopt a needy family in the community for Christmas. We work with a local church and this year we learned that they have a "pantry" at the church. Needy families can shop in the pantry and get the items they need for their families. We asked our clients if they would like to make donations of any non-perishable food, personal hygiene, and cleaning items to the "pantry." Between our staff and our clients, we not only donated the items shown in these pictures, but we also had several gifts for the two little boys in the family we last adopted. The generosity of our clients always makes it an exceptionally bright Christmas! A big thank you to all who participate!